電郵 [email protected]為何選擇我們
Digital Bronco (DB) is a business consultant company, helping enterprises increase business opportunities and enhance productivity. Its services cover IT, supply chain, operation control and marketing areas.
edeas is an interactive agency in Hong Kong. It blends web strategy, design and technology innovations to create and sustain a successful digital experience. Its methodology combined with a discerning sense of business forge the basis of its web and interactive developments.
了解更多The Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association was officially founded in 1963 and was incorporated in 1998. Provisional membership of World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) was gained in 1976 and full membership was subsequently earned in 1978. In 1994, the Association joined the Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong as an Associate Member.
了解更多Founded in 1922, Rehabilitation International (RI Global) is a worldwide organization comprised of people with disabilities, service providers, government agencies, academics, researchers and advocates working to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. With member organizations in more than 100 countries and in all regions of the world, RI Global also provides a forum for the exchange of experience and information on research and practice.
了解更多香港耀能協會於 1963 年創立,名為「香港痙攣兒童會」。其後將服務 擴展至成年痙攣人士,並於 1967 年易名為「香港痙攣協會」,於 1976 年立案註冊為法定社團。協會一直緊貼香港社會需要,開創多項 服務予其他中樞神經系統受損人士。2008 年,協會因應服務發展,更 改名稱為「香港耀能協會」。
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